The Backstory


When the Thespian met the Theologian

In the fall of 2009, Al was hard at work managing a queer youth drop in center when La showed up to teach a theater program. Al thought La was a babe but had professional ethics that kept her from saying anything. Luckily, they both had profiles on OkCupid so Al could ask La out without being too much of a creeper. La was still a tiny bit creeped out. They went on a coffee date in December and due primarily to her exceptional vocabulary, Al convinced La that she ought to consider being more than just work buddies. La made her intention clear when she asked Al to come look at her bedazzled shoes and planted a big kiss on her instead.

In April of 2011, Al told La she wanted to have a baby, and La told her they couldn’t until they got married. Al considered that a proposal and they decided to plan the Big Gay Love Extravaganza Event for April of 2012. Wanna see an awesome write up and pictures? Look at our Offbeat Bride article

After the big gay wedding, Al and La set forth on making their lives baby ready: they sold the 108 year old, 750 sq ft house Al had bought back when she was single and loving it and bought a newer bigger place with a huge plot of land for their three fabulous pups to run around on, to grow delicious food to eat, beautiful flowers to be surrounded by and maybe some space for some chickens to lay eggs on too, but La isn’t sold yet so don’t say anything about it.

And now the baby-making begins!

Al and La have recruited their fabulous, hunky BFF as a donor of fresh sperm with which to make the nugget. They are embarking on this adventure 100% DIY – orders of sterile sample cups and needless syringes from Amazon, some heavy duty tracking of the old ovaries, and some acupuncture as a cherry on top.


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